By Rob Bergsma
Feed used for maintenance in sows is around 1% of their live weight, and a 10 kg higher sow body weight from first lifetime insemination onwards requires 36.5 kg extra feed for maintenance annually, which increases the feed cost for a sow by approximately 10 EURO per year. Genetic selection, through emphasis on feed efficiency, changes body development year after year.
Phenotypic sow development should allow for adequate litter weight, litter size and longevity for an optimum lifetime production. In this study we want to get a grip on sow mature weight and its variation.
Genetically heavier or smaller animals do not have better production with heavier ones possibly having slightly lower performance. However, if animals are treated as equally and uniformly as possible, it is reasonable to assume that genetically heavier animals use more feed for growth, instead of for reproduction, given equal feeding rations.