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Seminal plasma fingerprints
- Reproduction
Assessment of bacteriospermia using flow cytometry
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Implementation of Flow Cytometry to Assess the DNA Fragmentation Index in Young Boars – a practical experience from The Netherlands
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Speed vs Endurance: The importance of assessing sperm motility after storage
- Reproduction
Lysine requirements of pigs divergent in breeding value for nitrogen efficiency
- Feed and feed efficiency
Genetic analyses of blood metabolites and amino acids in blood serum in pigs
- Health and animal welfare
On the genetics of farrowing duration in pigs
- Genetics & Genomics
How to define good mothering ability using computer vision of free farrowing sows?
- Health and animal welfare
Sow weight development: a pragmatic approach
- Genetics & Genomics
Maintaining gilt performance whilst limiting feed consumption
- Feed and feed efficiency
Near-infrared spectroscopy to predict the composition of feces and nutrient digestibility
- Feed and feed efficiency
Selecting for social behaviour helps to meet the challenges of pork production
- Health and animal welfare
Breeding for enhanced natural robustness to disease
- Health and animal welfare
Diving into epigenetics
- Reproduction
Artificial intelligence meets artificial insemination
- Reproduction
Topigs Norsvin line specific reference genomes help pinpoint new genetic variation
- Genetics & Genomics
Rare (deleterious) variants identified at early stage in our lines
- Genetics & Genomics
Organoids are the future
- Feed and feed efficiency
Improving nitrogen digestion to reduce greenhouse gasses
- Feed and feed efficiency
Improving meat quality with NIRS
- Meat and carcass quality